- We know all about when children should acquire each of the 44 sounds in the English language. We know the age that each sound should be mastered because there is a well-defined range of normal. Thus, we can easily see when there is a problem that requires speech therapy.
- We don’t know anything about when children should be understandable. At what age should words be understood? At what age should sentences be understood?
- Help us find answers to these important questions!
Who is eligible?
This study is currently recruiting children between the ages of 7 and 14 years who have normal hearing and speak English as their primary language.
What does participation involve?
Participation involves a one-time visit to the Waisman Center. The session will last between 30 and 60 minutes.
During the visit, a speech-language pathologist will administer assessments of speech, language, and hearing abilities. All assessments involve fun activities that are designed for children.
What are the benefits?
Your child will be given a $20 gift card for participating in the study.
How do I sign up?
If you would like to sign up, please scan the QR code or follow this link.
Thank you for your interest!
Emily elicits a spontaneous speech sample
Michael collect a speech sample through play-based activities.
Ashley plays a pattern game with a school-aged child.