Intelligibility of 4 year old children with and without cerebral palsy
Hustad, K. C., Schueler, B., Schulz, L., & DuHadway, C. (2012).
File: Hustad_Schueler_Shultz_DuHadway_2012.pdfHustad, K. C., Schueler, B., Schulz, L., & DuHadway, C. (2012).
File: Hustad_Schueler_Shultz_DuHadway_2012.pdfOur most recent newsletter
File: January-2017-Brochure.pdfThe July 2017 newsletter shares information about projects, research, and staff in the WISC Lab.
File: draft_July-2017_-2nd-newsletter_final_7.27.17.pdfOur most recent newsletter
File: July17WISCNewsletter-1.pdfMahr, T.J. & Hustad, K.C. (2023).
Hustad, K.C., & Gearhart, K. (2004).
File: Hustad_Gearhart_2004.pdfHustad, K.C., & Beukelman, D.R. (2002).
File: Hustad-Beukleman-2002.pdfLong, H., Mahr, T.J., Natzke, P., Rathouz, P.J., & Hustad, K.C. (2022)
Braza, M. D., Sakash, A., Natzke, P., & Hustad, K. C. (2019).
File: Braza-et-al.-2019-Longitudinal-change-in-speech-rate-and-intelligibi.pdfClancy, K., & Hustad, K.C. (2011).
File: Clancy_Hustad_2011.pdf